Margarita Balmaceda

kids and adults in playground

Professor of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University

Ukraine in Russian Energy Chains: Threat, Temptation, and Learning from the Past to Understand Ukraine’s and Europes Current Energy Challenges.” Ukrainian Energy Study Series, NYU Jordan Center. September 8, 2022. (featured lecturer)

A cold winter is coming for Europe, with Josh Barry. Very Serious. July 22, 2022. (audio interview)

Putin Wants Europe to Panic Over Gas Supplies. Mission Accomplished.” Barron’s. July 13, 2022. (article)

Europe is Determined to Cut Fossil Fuel Ties with Russia, even though Getting Hungary on Board Won’t Be Easy.” The Conversation. May 20, 2022.

Is the US headed for another war? We asked an expert in diplomacy, Putinism and Ukraine,” with Dave D’Alessandro. January 26, 2022. (interview article)

Winning Europe’s Energy War with Russia.” March 30, 2023.