Oleh Kotsyuba

kids and adults in playground
Oleh Kotsyuba

Manager of Publications, Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University

‘These people would rather die than give up:’ Russian and Ukrainian students reflect one year into war,” by Emily Spatz. The Huntington News. March 16, 2023. (quoted in article)

Rumors Putin Has Cancer and is Crazy Allow Him a Nuclear Advantage.” Background Briefing with Ian Masters. May 5, 2022. (audio)

Local Ukrainian Devastated By Russian Invasion: ‘It Has Been Very Difficult to Function.’NBC Boston. April 7, 2022.

Ukrainians Stunned by Russia’s Wide-Ranging Assault.” NBC10 Boston. February 25, 2022. (interview article) 

The Ukrainian dream, and how Russian aggression helped solidify it.” Wbr.org. February 24, 2022. (article)